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Credit Tips & Advice

Do you really want to restore your credit? What is holding you back from your goals?  Are you willing to set goals? Let's work together and make your dreams your reality.

Credit Card
Image by Alexander Mils
Image by Tierra Mallorca
Pay Off Your Debt.


Do you have debts? You’re going to want to pay those off as soon as you can. You probably know that. You’re a smart person. And if staying out of debt was easy, no one would be in it. But in the long run, you’ll be glad you got out of debt as soon as you could, and so will your credit report.

Stay Motivated!


Paying super high-interest rates for a bad credit loan is not particularly fun, even if the lender is helping you build your credit. Try to take that frustration and use it as an incentive to press on harder in your quest to build up your credit. We know that we usually are not thinking about our credit until we need it RIGHT. So, sometimes we get stuck needing a new car loan with a lower score because we have no other option. If that is the case, then try to learn from that higher interest rate and work on focusing on your credit so you can maybe refinance that loan in a year. Don’t just take the higher rate and continue with poor credit habits, learn from it. You can also learn more about setting and meeting financial goals.

Make Your Large Purchases Count.


Wait on larger purchases. Having bad credit is expensive. Many times, you need to focus on building a better credit score before committing to a large loan. Do your math, see how much the interest rate on a loan is costing you with different scores. See if it makes sense to purchase that new car, new home now or if it is wiser to take some time to work on building better credit. I will always say bulid your credit score UP before making large purchases. It gives you more POWER.

What Affects Your Credit Score


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